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The Founders


COL (R) Tan Nam Seng,  B Engr, M SS (Counselling), M Ed, Graduate of Sch of Leadership (Tung Ling Bible School), PE Seminar Director & Certified Facilitator, DISC Certified Facilitator, SYMBIS Certified Facilitator & Organisational leader 

Tan Sok Mian, BA (Social Work), PGDE, Dip (Special Needs), PE Seminar Director & Certified Facilitator, SYMBIS Certified Facilitator & Organisational Leader



Nam Seng and Sok Mian have been married since 1988 with 2 adult daughters.


Together they have been involved in serving families for more than 30 years. Over these years, they have headed the children’s church, worked with children from single-parent families, prepared courting couples for marriage and mentored marriages.


They conduct Marriage Preparation Course as well as Marriage Mentoring courses for churches, and have been serving as trainers/facilitators with Focus on the Family for more than 20 years. In 2017-18 they also worked with Fei Yue on the Early Marriage Support programme.

Nam Seng and Sok Mian believe in investing in marriages as their conviction is that when marriages are healthy, families will be stronger.  Their dream is to see marriages reflecting Christ’s love for the Church and couples living out the abundant life that Christ has promised.


James Ng, B Engr, MBA, DACE, ACTA, PE Certified Facilitator SYMBIS Certified Facilitator

Katherine Tan, B Acct, MBA, ACTA, PE Certified Facilitator, SYMBIS Certified Facilitator



James and Katherine have been married for more than 30 years. They are proud parents to 2 young adults. Their marriage was transformed when they attended a marriage enrichment weekend retreat in 1998. The event catalysed their journey to share their experiences and learnings as Trainers/ Facilitators for marriage programmes as well as Marriage Mentors.


They are passionate to help empower couples with the knowledge, skills and attitude to live out their marriage vows every day, and to build a community that encourage and spur couples to be loving and caring spouses and parents.

Both James and Katherine are professionals by training and are also certified courseware developers and adult facilitators. James is semi-retired and running a training business, while Katherine is working part-time as head of finance and HR for a SME.

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